Our Approach
As a child of God, I want all children to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that all children will put God first in their day so they will know there is no greater joy than knowing and living for Jesus. I want our nation to turn back to God. Families must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to have a strong and joyful community. I want to teach all children to know that Jesus loves them more than anyone and to know how to make all of their choices unto the One True God.
Our Story
While teaching children whose parents took them to church, to Bible Study Fellowship and picked them up after the Good News Club, I asked God, "What about children whose parents won't take them to a Bible class?" God responded, "We'll teach them the Ten Commandments before school." I had just retired from teaching as a respected teacher. No one taught the Bible before school. No one was teaching the Ten Commandments. I thought, "What if no one comes?" While listening to Charles Stanley preach he said, "Is God asking you to do something for Him? Are you willing to fall on your face for Him?" Oh, yes. Let's go teach the Ten Commandments. 156 children came to every class before school and they wanted to start the classes all over and do them again.
Then, I wanted all children to learn to put God first, so God helped me record the Ten Commandments’ lessons. I wanted the lessons to be free and available to everyone.
The Author - Jane Cochran Newburn
As a child of God, my godly parents instilled the Word of God into my daily life. Many children don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the joy of the LORD through prayer, through the Bible, through church, through evangelists and through the blessing of serving God in the inner city, in an orphanage and being given the most difficult students to teach in a public school. For 45 years I have been a Sunday School teacher, for 15 years I was a Bible Study Fellowship adult/children’s leader, for 7 years I was a Good News Club director, taught school for 28 years and then I asked God, “What about the children whose parents won’t take them to church, won’t take them to Bible Study Fellowship, won’t pick them up after Good News Club? Please God, we must teach them.” During prayer, and Bible devotion time, God said, “Teach the Ten Commandments before school.” As I studied the Ten Commandments and prayed, God began a mighty and exciting work to discipline children unto Him. Before each commandment is taught, the Gospel Message of Salvation is taught so the children can receive Jesus as their Savior, have the power of the Holy Spirit and learn to obey God. As the commandments are taught during each lesson, the youth hear repeatedly that God loves them more than anyone, to put God first, to spend time with Him every day in prayer and by reading the Bible, when making a choice to do something they will either receive God’s blessing or His discipline and to GO for GOD.

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